5 things you can do to minimise the risk of cancer

5 things you can do to minimise the risk of cancer

It is impossible to completely avoid the risk of cancer. However, there are things you can do to prevent it.

There are numerous different types of cancer and, no matter what we do, we cannot be completely sure that we will not develop cancer. However, there are some lifestyle changes you can make, which will minimise the risk significantly. Here are four things you can do to prevent cancer.


1. Don’t smoke

Most people know that smoking can lead to lung cancer. But smoking can also exacerbate the development of other forms of cancer. Tobacco smoke increase the risk of cancer in the mouth, throat, larynx, oesophagus, urine bladder, pancreas, kidney, and cervix. However, even if smoking only led to lung cancer it would be bad enough – lung cancer is the form of cancer that claims most lives. Only five percent of lung cancer patients are cured.

Chemicals in cigarettes damage our DNA and can lead to the development of cancerous cells. Many different chemicals in cigarettes have this effect on our cells, including: benzene, polonium-210, and benzo(a)pyrene.


2. Avoid excessive drinking

An excessive consumption of alcohol increases the risk of developing cancer. As with smoking, you risk different forms of cancer if you drink too much. Alcohol increases the risk of cancer in the organs that comes in direct contact with it, when is passes through the body. This includes the mouth, larynx, oesophagus, intestines, and liver.

Additionally, alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer. It is recommended that you do not drink more than a single unit of alcohol every day, if you want to avoid increasing the risk of cancer.


3. Keep an eye on your skin

Most skin cancer cases are caused by UV-radiation. It is therefore important that you use sunblock or stay in the shade, when the UV index is three or above. The risk of developing skin cancer is increased every time you get sunburned. However, even if you avoid sunburn, the risk is increased with the cumulative amount of UV-radiation you receive over the course of your life. 

It is especially important for children to avoid UV-radiation, because if children are exposed to too much UV-radiation early in life, the chances that the child will develop skin cancer are greater.


4. Think about your diet

Your diet is important in the development of different types of cancer. Vitamins and minerals from fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain products prevent cancer. Processed meat – meaning meat that has been smoked, salted, or dried; i.e. most forms of spreads and sausages – increase the risk of colon cancer and cancer in the rectum. Therefore, is it best to completely avoid processed meats, but simply eating less will also have an effect.


5. Keep an eye on your weight

Research have linked obesity with the development of cancer including colon cancer and cancer in the rectum. Today, it remains uncertain, whether the increased risk is caused by the obesity or a poor diet and lack of exercise, which are often the cause of obesity. These are difficult to separate, either way, a healthy diet and regular exercise will help you prevent cancer. Research also indicates that if you are obese, the risk of the cancer returning is increased.


1. https://via.ritzau.dk/pressemeddelelse/10-rad-til-at-nedsaette-din-risiko-…
2. https://www.cancer.dk/skole/viden-om-kraeft/kan-man-undgaa-kraeft/
3. https://www.dr.dk/sundhed/Sygdom/Kraeft/Artikler/2011/0323095936.htm
4. https://www.cancer.dk/nyheder/dokumentationen-vokser-motion-mindsker-risik…
5. https://www.cancer.dk/skole/viden-om-kraeft/kan-man-undgaa-kraeft/drik-min…
6. https://www.cancer.dk/hjaelp-viden/fakta-om-kraeft/aarsager-til-kraeft/ove…
7. http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/smoking-and-…

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