Advices for a permanent weight loss

Advices for a permanent weight loss

Have you just lost weight? Or do you wish to do so? It can be difficult to lose weight, and perhaps even harder to maintain a weight loss after the goal is reached. It requires both physical and mental effort, where it is necessary to remain persistent, determined, disciplined and creative. For many people, however, the weight loss is worth all the effort.

It can be hard to follow a strict diet where you must exclude all the foods you otherwise love to eat. Many people find that, as soon as they decide to forbid eating a certain food, they actually crave it even more than before this ‘law’ was made. Therefore, it is recommended to occasionally incorporate a ‘cheat day’, or even better a ‘cheat meal’ where the otherwise ‘illegal foods’ are permitted, in order to remain motivated.

Luckily, there are many other good tips on how to retain or achieve a weight loss, and therefore we have listed 6 good foods that you can add to your list, the next time you go shopping:

  • Almonds: They are not necessarily a low-calories food, but they are rich in fibres and are a perfect snack, which can save you from succumbing to the temptation of sweets. Almonds, regardless if oven baked or raw, contain large amounts of magnesium, vitamin E and cobber. Preserve them in your bag or by your desk as a snack for emergencies. However, remember not to eat the whole bag, as the high caloric level may prevent you from losing weight.
  • Asparagus: This is often found as a part of the decoration on your plate, but it should perhaps have a bit more of a part to play in terms of your meal. It’s low in calories, contains lots of fibres and is slowly digested, which may reduce the desire for sweets late in the evening.
  • Brown rice: It is a good alternative to the unhealthier carb-rich foods such as white rice, pasta and bread.
  • Dark chocolate: It is significantly healthier than white chocolate and milk chocolate. The cocoa bean contains many antioxidants that are beneficial for your health. In addition, you will feel as if you are full quicker from eating dark chocolate, and therefore you automatically ingest less food.
  • Eggs: Especially the egg whites are healthy, as they consist of a lot of protein and few calories. Due to the high amount of protein in eggs, they can keep you full for quite some time and are therefore recommended as part of your breakfast.
  • Lemon: It has been shown that the juice from a lemon can increase the body’s metabolism by increasing digestion to contribute to weight loss. Try adding it to a large glass of water, which you can ingest during the morning before your breakfast.

Generally, it is recommended to eat more vegetables and less fat for a successful weight loss. Especially the animal fat is unhealthy, which means that fat from meat should be kept to a minimum. It is recommended to begin your grocery shopping in the vegetable department of the supermarket, as it often increases your purchase of healthier foods, and reduces the amount of the unhealthy kind. So, fill your basket with lots of vegetables and fruits, lean meat like chicken and fish, and reduce your consumption of carbohydrates – foods such as pasta, rice, bread and potatoes.




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